

会場: オンライン(Zoom) オンライン学会向けZoomマニュアル(日本語のみ、リンク先のページ中ほどにマニュアルがあります)



10:00 – 10:10
開会の辞 日本機能言語学会会長 Virginia Peng(立命館大学)

10:15 – 10:55    研究発表1    司会: 鷲嶽正道(愛知学院大学)
早川 知江(名古屋芸術大学) [発表言語: 日本語]

11:00 – 11:40    研究発表2    司会: 飯村龍一(玉川大学)
川光 真二(関西外国語大学) [発表言語: 日本語]

11:40 – 12:40 休憩

12:40 – 13:20    研究発表3    司会: 伊藤紀子(同志社大学) Patrick Kiernan (明治大学)
大澤 康二(京都先端科学大学) [発表言語: 日本語]

13:30 – 14:40    特別講演    司会: Virginia Peng(立命館大学)
特別講演者:野口 ジュディ(神戸学院大学名誉教授) [発表言語: 英語]

14:50 – 15:30    総会   司会: 三宅英文(安田女子大学)


 14:50 – 15:00 理事改選
 15:00 – 15:10 休憩
 15:10 – 15:30 総会

・会長 パン、副会長 佐々木、理事 伊藤が選挙管理を行います。事務局の三宅は、被選挙人であるため、伊藤が代役を務めます。

15:30 – 15:40
閉会の辞 日本機能言語学会副会長 佐々木真(愛知学院大学)

The Program of JASFL 2021

Venue : Online Zoom meeting

Questions and Comments Form (available Oct.24th – Oct.30th)

October 24th (Sun)

10:00 – 10:10
Opening Remarks President of JASFL Virginia Peng(Ritsumeikan University)

10:15 – 10:55  Paper Session 1  Chair: Masamichi Washitake(Aichi Gakuin University)
Chie Hayakawa (Nagoya University of the Arts) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Picturebook Storytelling Technique to Bring Out Children’s Prediction: Improving the Picturebook Storytelling Skill of Foreign Language Teachers in Elementary School’

11:00 – 11:40  Paper Session 2  Chair: Ryuichi Iimura(Tamagawa University)
Shinji Kawamitsu (Kansai Gaidai University)  [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Designing a Professional Development Workshop for Pre-service Japanese Language Teachers’

11:40 – 12:40  Lunch Break

12:40 – 13:20  Paper Session 3  Chair: Noriko Ito(Doshisha University) Patrick Kiernan (Meiji University)
Koji Osawa (Kyoto University of Advanced Science)  [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Genre Analysis on Writing Tasks in English Textbooks for Japanese Junior High School’

13:30 – 14:40  Special Lecture  Chair: Virginia Peng(Ritsumeikan University)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Judy Noguchi (Professor Emerita at Kobe Gakuin University) 
[To be presented in English]
‘Genre: From an ESP Viewpoint and its Possibilities for Language Education’

14:50 – 15:30  AGM  Chair: Hidefumi Miyake(Yasuda Women’s University)

*Only JASFL members are allowed to attend the AGM.
  14:50 – 15:00 Election of the board members
  15:00 – 15:10 Break
  15:10 – 15:30 AGM

 ・We will hold the election of the board members during the AGM.
 ・Prof. Peng, Prof. Sasaki, and Prof. Ito will be in charge of the voting. Prof. Miyake, who is the current secretary, will be replaced by Prof. Ito because he is one of the candidates.
 ・The JASFL members who will attend the AGM can vote, and only their ballots are considered to be valid. 
 ・The way of voting will be explained to the members just before the voting.
 ・The results will be announced during the AGM.

15:30 – 15:40
Closing Remarks Vice President of JASFL Makoto Sasaki (Aichi Gakuin University)
