


さて、2025年春期ワークショップを下記の要領で開催いたします。つきましては、ワークショップの企画 (1000字程度) を募集いたしたく存じます。ご希望の方は、3月1日(土)までに事務局( secretary@jasfl.jp )にメールにてお送りください。ワークショップは、日本語または英語にてお願いいたします。発表時間は原則、60分以内(質疑応答時間含む)とさせていただきます。


会場:同志社大学 今出川キャンパス https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ 


問い合わせ先:事務局 岩本和良( secretary@jasfl.jp )


Call for Proposals for JASFL Spring Workshop 2025

Dear JASFL members:

This is an announcement for the JASFL Spring Workshop 2025. The workshop will be held as follows:

Date: Saturday 12th of April, 2025 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Venue: Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus) https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/

Contents: Workshop

Contact: Secretary Iwamoto, Kazuyoshi ( secretary@jasfl.jp )

We would like to open a call for proposals for the workshop. If you would like to hold a session, please submit your proposal (800 words) by March 1st (Sat.), 2025 to the Secretary ( secretary@jasfl.jp ). The workshop is to be delivered either in English or Japanese. Each session is 60 minutes long including a Q&A session.

*Please note that as with last year, the workshop will be held face-to-face only because it is expected to involve interactive exchanges between presenters and participants.  We would appreciate your kind cooperation and understanding.

Sasaki, Makoto

President of JASFL
