

会期:2023年10月14日(土)~ 10月15日(日)

会場:奈良教育大学 講義2号棟 https://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/ 



キャンパスマップ https://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/campus_map/

アクセス情報 https://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/access/ 









12:30 –13:15  受付 (講義2号棟103教室前)

13:15 – 13:25  開会の辞

 講義室105    日本機能言語学会会長 佐々木真(愛知学院大学)

13:30 – 14:10  研究発表1

 講義室105    司会: Sonya Chik(神奈川大学)

Patrick Kiernan(明治大学) [発表言語: 英語]

‘Sportswashing and Protest: A Comparative Multimodal Analysis of two Organisational Websites’

14:15 – 14:55  研究発表2

 講義室105    司会: 伊藤 紀子(同志社大学)           

早川 知江  (名古屋芸術大学) [発表言語: 日本語]


14:55 – 15:10  休憩       

15:10 – 15:50  研究発表3

 講義室105    司会: Virginia Peng(立命館大学)

川光 真二  (関西外国語大学) [発表言語: 日本語]


15:50 – 16:00        休憩       

16:00 – 17:20         特別講演                          

 講義室105     司会: 佐々木 真(愛知学院大学)

金水 敏 (大阪大学大学院名誉教授・日本学士院会員 [発表言語: 日本語]


18:30 – 21:00   懇親会 「居酒屋 つのふり」(参加費 5,500円)

〒630-8216 奈良県奈良市東向南町21 奈良観光会館 B1F


URL: https://www.tila-dolce.com/brands/tsunofuri/shops/higashimuki/ 


10:00 – 10:30  受付(講義2号棟103教室前)

10:30 – 11:10  研究発表1                        

 講義室105    司会: 飯村 龍一(玉川大学)

大越 桃子(安田女子大学大学院) [発表言語: 日本語] 


11:15 – 11:55  研究発表2                        

 講義室105    司会: 三宅 英文(安田女子大学)

 秋予(同志社大学大学院学生) 伊藤 紀子(同志社大学) [発表言語: 日本語] 


11:55 – 13:00  昼食

13:00 – 13:40  研究発表3                        

 講義室105    司会: Patrick Kiernan(明治大学)

Crystal Hiu Wing Lam香港理工大学大学院生 [発表言語: 英語] 

‘Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Japanese Language classroom in Hong Kong’

13:45 – 14:45  総会

 講義室105    司会: 岩本 和良(杏林大学)

14:45 – 14:55  閉会の辞                            

 講義室105    日本機能言語学会副会長 Patrick Kiernan(明治大学)

The Program of JASFL 2023

Dates: October 14 (Sat) and 15 (Sun) 2023

Venue: Nara University of Education Lecture Building 2  https://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/

Online: Zoom meeting (see the email from JASFL mailing list)

Participation Fee: [Members] Free  [Non-members] 1,000 yen (students 500 yen)

Campus map: https://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/campus_map/

Access: https://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/access/

https://www.narakotsu.co.jp/language/en/stop/ (Nara Kotsu Bus Web Site)

From Kintetsu Nara Station

Take a bus (“Nara City Loop (clockwise)”) at the stop No.1, and get off at “Takabatake-cho”.  

Timetable: https://navi.narakotsu.co.jp/pdf/gene4/00037_010_ja.pdf

From JR Nara Station (East Gate)

Take a bus (“Nara City Loop (clockwise)”) at the stop No.2, and get off at “Takabatake-cho”. 

Timetable: https://navi.narakotsu.co.jp/pdf/gene4/00100_020_ja.pdf

*The cafeteria and store on campus are CLOSED on both Saturday and Sunday.  Since the nearest convenience store is about 10 minutes’ walk, we would advise you to buy your lunch near the station.

October 14 (Saturday)

12:30 –13:15       Registration (Lecture Building 2)

13:15 – 13:25      Opening Remarks

Room 105                         President of JASFL  Makoto SasakiAichi Gakuin University

13:30 – 14:10     Paper Session 1                 

Room 105                         Chair: Sonya Chik(Kanagawa University)

Patrick Kiernan (Meiji University) [To be presented in English]

‘Sportswashing and Protest: A Comparative Multimodal Analysis of two Organisational Websites’

14:15 – 14:55          Paper Session 2                          

Room 105                               Chair: Noriko Ito(Doshisha University)

Chie HAYAKAWA (Nagoya University of the Arts) [To be presented in Japanese]

‘Proposing a Trial Textbook for Developing Elementary School Teachers’ Picturebook Storytelling Skills’

14:55 – 15:10     Coffee Break

15:10 – 15:50          Paper Session 3                          

Room 105                               Chair: Virginia Peng(Ritsumeikan University)

Shinji KAWAMITSU (Kansai Gaidai University) [To be presented in Japanese]

‘An Analysis of Care Record Texts: From the Perspective of Logico-semantic Relations’

15:50 – 16:00     Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:20      Special Lecture          

Room 105                         Chair: Makoto SasakiAichi Gakuin University

Satoshi Kinsui (Emeritus Professor at Osaka UniversityThe Japan Academy Member)  [To be presented in Japanese]


18:30 – 21:00      Reception  「居酒屋 つのふり」(Participation Fee: 5,500 yen)

Nara Kankokaikan B1F

21 Higashimukiminamimachi, Nara  630-8216

1 minute-walk from Kintetsu Nara Station

URL: https://www.tila-dolce.com/brands/tsunofuri/shops/higashimuki/ 

October 15 (Sunday)

10:00 – 10:30      Registration  (Lecture Building 2)

10:30 – 11:10      Paper Session 1                 

Room 105                         Chair: Ryuichi Iimura(Tamagawa University)

Momoko OGOSHI (Yasuda Women’s University Graduate School Student) 

[To be presented in Japanese]

‘Do Science Texts and History Texts Belong to the Same Genre?’

11:15 – 11:55      Paper Session 2

Room 105                         Chair: Hidefumi Miyake(Yasuda Women’s University)

Bu QIUYU (Doshisha University Graduate School Student), Noriko ITO (Doshisha University)  [To be presented in Japanese]

‘Analysis on the Correlation of Impressionistic Rating Scores of a Chatbot’s Utterances and Annotators’ Personal Characteristics’

11:55 – 13:00      Lunch

13:00 – 13:40      Paper Session 3

Room 105                         Chair: Patrick Kiernan(Meiji University)

Crystal Hiu Wing Lam (Hong Kong Polytechnic University Graduate School Student) 

[To be presented in English]

‘Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Japanese Language classroom in Hong Kong’

13:45 – 14:45      AGM                   

Room 105                         Chair: Kazuyoshi Iwamoto(Kyorin University)

14:45 – 14:55      Closing Remarks Room 105                         Vice President of JASFL  Patrick Kiernan (Meiji University)
