機能言語研究とProceedings of JASFLの公開とダウンロード
機能言語学研究とProceedings of JASFLがオンラインで閲覧、 またはダウンロードできるようになりました。HPの左の 「機能言語研究」とProceedings of JASFLをクリックしてください。
Proceedings of JASFLにはパスワードがかけられていませんが、 機能言語研究については2年前までのものにはパスワードがかけられています。 パスワードはメールリストなどで会員の皆様にはおしらせします。 また、機能言語学研究の最新号は2019にオンライン化されます。
Downloading of Japan Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Proceedings of JASFL
Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Proceedings of JASFL are now downloadable/available on the web browsing.
Please click “Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics” or “Proceedings of JASFL” on the left column.
Proceedings of JASFL are available unlocked, while the Journal, published two years ago, is password-locked.
The password will be provided through JASFL emailing list.
The last issue of the Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics will be available online in 2019.
会期:2017年10月7日(土)~ 10月8日(日)
会場:同志社大学(今出川キャンパス)良心館 http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/
12:00 – 12:40 受付 1階 ルーセント・プラザ
12:40 – 12:55 開会の辞 日本機能言語学会会長 龍城 正明 RY107教室
13:00 – 13:40 研究発表1
第1室: RY103教室 司会 伊藤紀子(同志社大学)
第2室: RY104教室 司会 鷲嶽正道(愛知学院大学)
‘Functional Language Analysis in Teaching Reading’
第3室: RY107教室 司会 David Dykes(四日市大学)
Crystal Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[発表言語:英語]
‘Comparative Study of natural disasters’ news reports from the National
Geographic US and Japan websites: a Systemic Functional analysis’
13:45 – 14:25 研究発表2
第1室: RY103教室 司会 伊藤紀子(同志社大学)
‘Iconicity and transfer of energy in Indo-European languages’
第2室: RY104教室 司会 福田一雄(新潟大学名誉教授)
‘POLITENESS, NEGOTIATION and negotiability: A context dependency
perspective on Japanese texts with politeness shift and beyond’
第3室: RY107教室 司会 佐々木真(愛知学院大学)
Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen (香港理工大学)
‘Systems of interpersonal assessment: the complementarity of modalization
and evidentiality’
14:25 – 14:40 休憩 RY106教室
14:40 – 15:20 研究発表3
第1室: RY103教室 司会 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
Peter McDonald(桜美林大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘A SFL Model for Developing Digital Literacies in the Academic
第2室: RY104教室 司会 鷲嶽正道(愛知学院大学)
Thomas Amundrud(奈良教育大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Classroom SF-MDA: Looking at the meanings of space, gaze, and gesture’
15:25– 16:05 研究発表4
第1室: RY103教室 司会 飯村龍一(玉川大学)
David Dykes(四日市大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Advice by Talk-through and Rethink
Sharing What it is Like to Drown – and What it is Like to Float’
第2室: RY104教室 司会 三宅英文(安田女子大学)
Jack Pun(オックスフォード大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Teaching science through English as a medium of instruction in
Hong Kong: challenges and strategies’
16:05 – 16:20 休憩 RY106教室
16:20 – 17:20 日本機能言語学会創立25周年記念特別講演
RY107教室 [発表言語:日本語]
司会 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
龍城 正明(同志社大学教授)
「理論から記述へThe Kyoto Grammar による日本語否定辞「ない」の分析
17:30 – 18:00 総会 RY107教室 司会 飯村龍一(玉川大学)
19:00-21:00 懇親会 (会費:6,000円)
〒600-8012 京都市下京区四条大橋西詰(電話075-221-1147)
9:30 – 10:00 受付 1階 ルーセント・プラザ
10:00 – 10:40 研究発表1
第1室: RY103教室 司会 佐藤勝之(武庫川女子大学)
第2室: RY104教室 司会 David Dykes(四日市大学)
Ming-chia Lin(National Academy for Educational Research)[発表言語:英語]
‘A linguistic analysis on remedial-based and mixed-ability instruction:
How do teachers provide scaffolding in reading skills for EFL Grade 7
10:45 – 11:25 研究発表2
第1室: RY103教室 司会 佐藤勝之(武庫川女子大学)
「絵の中の結束性:Painter, et al.のシステム拡充」
第2室: RY104教室 司会 David Dykes(四日市大学)
Sonya Chik(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[発表言語:英語]
‘Constructing and shaping social reality across languages and cultures:
a linguistic perspective’
11:25 – 11:40 休憩 RY106教室
11:40-12:40 Featured Talk RY107教室 司会 龍城 正明 (同志社大学)
Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(香港理工大学教授)[発表言語:英語]
12:40 – 13:50 昼食
13:50 – 14:30 研究発表3
第1室: RY103教室 司会 福田一雄(新潟大学名誉教授)
第2室: RY104教室 司会 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
Marvin Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[発表言語:英語]
‘Appliable Discourse Analysis in action: describing clients’ journeys in
14:30 – 14:45 休憩 RY106教室
14:45 – 15:55 特別講演 RY107教室 [発表言語:日本語]
司会 龍城正明(同志社大学)
山梨 正明(京都大学名誉教授、関西外国語大学教授)
「認知言語学の研究プログラム -機能言語学との関連性-」
15:55 – 16:05 閉会の辞 RY107教室 日本機能言語学会副会長 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
The Program of JASFL 2017
The 25th Anniversary Autumn Conference
Date: October 7th (Saturday) – October 8th (Sunday), 2017
Venue: Ryoshinkan Building, Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus), Kyoto
http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/information/campus/access/imadegawa.html (access)
Oct. 7th (Saturday)
12:00 – 12:40 Registration (1F Lucent Plaza)
12:40 – 12:55 Opening Remarks (Room RY107)
President of JASFL Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
13:00 – 13:40 Paper Session 1
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Noriko Ito (Doshisha University)
Masaki Nishijo(The part-time lecturer at Ritsumeikan University, PhD
candidate at Doshisha University)[To be presented in Japanese]
‘Analysis of professional football coaches’ instructional language using
functional perspective: Toward language instruction for overseas football
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Masamichi Washitake (Aichi Gakuin University)
Kaori Terakawa (Dokkyo University) [To be presented in English]
‘Functional Language Analysis in Teaching Reading’
Room 3: RY107 Chair: David Dykes (Yokkaichi University)
Crystal Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in
‘Comparative Study of natural disasters’ news reports from the National
Geographic US and Japan
websites: a Systemic Functional analysis’
13:45 – 14:25 Paper Session 2
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Noriko Ito (Doshisha University)
Junichi Toyota (Osaka City University) [To be presented in English]
‘Iconicity and transfer of energy in Indo-European languages’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Kazuo Fukuda (Emeritus Professor of Niigata
Ayumi Inako(The part-time lecturer at Kobe City University of Foreign
[To be presented in English]
‘POLITENESS, NEGOTIATION and negotiability: A context dependency
perspective on Japanese
texts with politeness shift and beyond’
Room 3: RY107 Chair: Makoto Sasaki (Aichi Gakuin University)
Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)and
Kazuhiro Teruya(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in
‘Systems of interpersonal assessment: the complementarity of modalization
and evidentiality’
14:25 – 14:40 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
14:40 – 15:20 Paper Session 3
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Peter McDonald(J.F. Oberlin University, Tokyo)[To be presented in English]
‘A SFL Model for Developing Digital Literacies in the Academic Classroom’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Masamichi Washitake (Aichi Gakuin University)
Thomas Amundrud(Nara University of Education)[To be presented in English]
‘Classroom SF-MDA: Looking at the meanings of space, gaze, and gesture’
15:25 – 16:05 Paper Session 4
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Ryuichi Iimura (Tamagawa University)
David Dykes(Yokkaichi University)[To be presented in English]
‘Advice by Talk-through and Rethink
Sharing What it is Like to Drown – and What it is Like to Float’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Hidefumi Miyake (Yasuda Women’s University)
Jack Pun(University of Oxford)[To be presented in English]
‘Teaching science through English as a medium of instruction in Hong Kong:
challenges and strategies’
16:05 – 16:20 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
16:20 – 17:20 JASFL 25th Anniversary Special Lecture
[To be presented in Japanese]
Room: RY107 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Professor Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
‘From Theory to Description
An analysis of Japanese negator nai with
special reference to the definition of Finiteness.
the Kyoto Grammar Approach’
17:30 – 18:00 AGM (Room RY107) Chair: Ryuichi Iimura (Tamagawa
19:00 – 21:00 Conference Dinner (Participation Fee:6,000JPY(all-inclusive))
Kyoto-Shijo Ohashi West End, Kyoto, 600-8012 (Tel 075-221-1147)
※Prior booking essential – please contact Ryuichi Iimura
(secretary@jasfl.jp) by
October 4th (Wed).
Oct. 8th (Sunday)
9:30 – 10:00 Registration (1F Lucent Plaza)
10:00 – 10:40 Paper Session 1
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Katsuyuki Sato (Mukogawa Women’s University)
Masamichi Washitake (Aichi Gakuin University) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Things in Academic Science Textbooks in English’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: David Dykes(Yokkaichi University)
Ming-chia Lin(National Academy for Educational Research)
[To be presented in English]
‘A linguistic analysis on remedial-based and mixed-ability instruction: How
do teachers provide scaffolding in reading skills for EFL Grade 7 students?’
10:45 – 11:25 Paper Session 2
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Katsuyuki Sato (Mukogawa Women’s University)
Chie Hayakawa (Nagoya University of the Arts) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Cohesion in Pictures: Expanding Painter, et al.’s Systems’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: David Dykes(Yokkaichi University)
Sonya Chik(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in
‘Constructing and shaping social reality across languages and cultures:
a linguistic perspective’
11:25 – 11:40 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
11:40-12:40 Featured Talk (Room RY107) [To be presented in English]
Chair: Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
Professor Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(The Hong Kong Polytechnic
12:40 – 13:50 Lunch
13:50 – 14:30 Paper Session 3
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Kazuo Fukuda (Emeritus Professor of Niigata
Hidefumi Miyake (Yasuda Women’s University) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Differences in Contexual Dependency Observed in Theme Park Regulations’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Marvin Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
[To be presented in English]
‘Appliable Discourse Analysis in action: describing clients’ journeys in
14:30 – 14:45 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
14:45 – 15:55 Special Lecture [To be presented in Japanese]
Room: RY107 Chair: Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
Professor Masa-aki Yamanashi
(Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University, Kansai Gaidai University)
‘Research Program of Cognitive Linguistics
– In Relation to Functional Linguistics-’
15:55 – 16:05 Closing Remarks (Room RY107)
Vice President of JASFL Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Nomination of Regular Board Members (2017)
The list of nominees will be occationally updated at the following:
会場:同志社大学 今出川キャンパス

龍城正明教授(同志社大学) 主催校委員:伊藤紀子(nito@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)
1. 応募資格:日本機能言語学会 (JASFL) 会員および日本語用論学会 (The Pragmatics Society of Japan、以下PSJ) 会員に限る(まだ会員でない方が投稿を希望する場合は投稿前に会員登録手続を終了しておくこと)。なお、学会発表については学会ホームページ (http://www.jasfl.jp/ ) の「学会発表にかかわるガイドライン」を必ずご一読ください。
2. 応募締め切り:2017年8月31日(木)
3. 発表時間:40分(10分の質疑応答を含む)
4. 発表言語:日本語または英語(発表に使用する言語を必ず明記すること)
5. 研究発表希望者は次の要領にて梗概を事務局宛にお送りください。
(1) 字数:800字~1000字 (英語の場合は800語以内)
(2) 梗概には下記の情報を必ず記載すること。
(a) 氏名
(b) 所属
(c) 研究発表題目(日本語の題目の場合は、英語の題目も記載すること)
(d) 発表で使用する言語(日本語または英語)
(e) 参考文献
(f) 電子メールアドレス
(g) 梗概を日本語で書く場合には必ず英語の梗概をつけること(400語以内)
(3)梗概はMS-Word, PDF,書式付テキスト(RTF)のいずれかで保存し、電子メー
ールの題名には必ず「JASFL 2017梗概」と記載すること。また大会終了後にプロ
(http://www.jasfl.jp/ ) にてお知らせいたします。
Dear JASFL members,
I would like to announce that JASFL 2017 will be held as follows:
JASFL 2017 Autumn Conference
Date: October 7 (Sat) and 8 (Sun) 2017
Venue: Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus)
Guest Speakers:
Professor Masaaki Yamanashi (Kansai Gaidai University)
Professor Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
Convener: Noriko Ito (nito@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)
*Call for Papers for the JASFL 2017
Abstracts are invited for presentations at the Annual Conference of the Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Presentations may be on any aspect of functional linguistics, including trans-disciplinary studies, and may focus on such fields as multimodal, educational, critical discourse studies, media studies, etc.
1. Qualification: JASFL or The Pragmatics Society of Japan (PSJ) members are exclusively eligible to apply for the presentation. Non-JASFL/PSJ members who plan to submit papers are requested to register their memberships before submission. Those who plan to apply for the presentation are requested to consent to the guideline for JASFL presentation available at the following URL: http://www.jasfl.jp/
2. Deadline for submission: August 31st (Thu.), 2017
3. Time of Presentations: 40 minutes including 10 minutes for question time.
4. Languages: Japanese or English (Please signify the language you will
use in presentation.)
5. Those who will apply a paper presentation should follow the guideline of the abstract as below:
(1) Words limit: 800 – 1000 characters (Japanese), up to 800 words (English)
(2) An abstract must include the information as follows:
(a) Name
(b) Affiliation
(c) Presentation Title
(d) Language to use in presentation
(e) References
(f) Email address
(3) An abstract must be sent as one of the following format: MS-Word,
PDF or Rich Text Format (RTF). The abstract must be sent to JASFL
Secretary (secretary@jasfl.jp) as an attachment file.
Please clearly state “JASFL2017 ABSTRACT” in the subject line of your
email message. The proceedings will be published after the conference.
* For the details and updates of the conference, as well as the latest
information of call for papers, click to the JASFL website: http://www.jasfl.jp/
Sincerely yours,
Ryuichi Iimura
(JASFL Secretary)
会場:愛知学院大学 名城公園キャンパス http://www.agu.ac.jp/access/meijo/
アガルスタワー 4F 2405教室 http://www.agu.ac.jp/guide/campus/
13:30 – 14:00 受付
14:00 – 14:10 開会の辞 日本機能言語学会会長 龍城正明(同志社大学)
14:10 – 15:10 ワークショップ
David Dykes(四日市大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Snow Clearing Roles and Rules – Alternations and Adjustments
of Speech Functions for a Cooperative Community Appeal’
懇親会 雪月花 栄店 会費5,000円*
Dear JASFL Members,
We would like to announce that 2017 JASFL Spring Workshop is held on the 22nd
of April at Aichi Gakuin Unviersity.
JASFL 2017 Spring Workshop
Date: April 22, Saturday, 2017 14:00 – 15:10
Venue: Aichi Gakuin University, Meijo Koen Campus
AGALS Tower Room2405
13:30 – 14:00 Registration
14:00 – 14:10 Opening Remarks President of JASFL Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
14:10 – 15:10 Workshop
David Dykes (Yokkaichi University) [To be presented in English]
‘Snow Clearing Roles and Rules – Alternations and Adjustments of
Speech Functions for a Cooperative Community Appeal’
Conference Dinner: Setsugetsuka Sakae-ten (Fee: 5,000yen)*
*Those who will join the conference dinner are requested to have a contact with
Masamichi WASHITAKE (washitak@dpc.agu.ac.jp) for application by April 19th (Wed).
Best regards,
Ryuichi Iimura
(Secretary of JASFL)
2017年度JASFL 春のワークショップ企画募集
つきましては、ワークショップの企画 (1000字程度) を募集いたしたく存じます。
問い合わせ先:事務局 飯村龍一 (secretary@jasfl.jp)
JASFL 2017 Call for Spring Workshop Presentations
This is an announcement of 2017 JASFL Spring Workshop. The workshop will be
held as follows:
Date: April 22, Saturday, 2016 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Aichi Gakuin University
Contents: Workshop
We would like to call for proposals for the spring workshop. Those who
plan to organize a workshop session (60 minutes) are requested
to submit their proposals (800 words) by April 5th (Wed), 2017 to Secretary
(secretary@jasfl.jp). The workshop is to be held either in English or
Japanese.The amount of time for each session is 60 minutes including a
question and answer session.
For further information, contact Ryuichi Iimura (secretary@jasfl.jp).
Ryuichi Iimura (Secretary)
機能言語研究とProceedings of JASFLの公開とダウンロード
機能言語学研究とProceedings of JASFLがオンラインで閲覧、 またはダウンロードできるようになりました。HPの左の 「機能言語研究」とProceedings of JASFLをクリックしてください。
Proceedings of JASFLにはパスワードがかけられていませんが、 機能言語研究については2年前までのものにはパスワードがかけられています。 パスワードはメールリストなどで会員の皆様にはおしらせします。 また、機能言語学研究の最新号は2019にオンライン化されます。
Downloading of Japan Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Proceedings of JASFL
Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Proceedings of JASFL are now downloadable/available on the web browsing.
Please click “Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics” or “Proceedings of JASFL” on the left column.
Proceedings of JASFL are available unlocked, while the Journal, published two years ago, is password-locked.
The password will be provided through JASFL emailing list.
The last issue of the Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics will be available online in 2019.
会期:2017年10月7日(土)~ 10月8日(日)
会場:同志社大学(今出川キャンパス)良心館 http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/
12:00 – 12:40 受付 1階 ルーセント・プラザ
12:40 – 12:55 開会の辞 日本機能言語学会会長 龍城 正明 RY107教室
13:00 – 13:40 研究発表1
第1室: RY103教室 司会 伊藤紀子(同志社大学)
第2室: RY104教室 司会 鷲嶽正道(愛知学院大学)
‘Functional Language Analysis in Teaching Reading’
第3室: RY107教室 司会 David Dykes(四日市大学)
Crystal Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[発表言語:英語]
‘Comparative Study of natural disasters’ news reports from the National
Geographic US and Japan websites: a Systemic Functional analysis’
13:45 – 14:25 研究発表2
第1室: RY103教室 司会 伊藤紀子(同志社大学)
‘Iconicity and transfer of energy in Indo-European languages’
第2室: RY104教室 司会 福田一雄(新潟大学名誉教授)
‘POLITENESS, NEGOTIATION and negotiability: A context dependency
perspective on Japanese texts with politeness shift and beyond’
第3室: RY107教室 司会 佐々木真(愛知学院大学)
Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen (香港理工大学)
‘Systems of interpersonal assessment: the complementarity of modalization
and evidentiality’
14:25 – 14:40 休憩 RY106教室
14:40 – 15:20 研究発表3
第1室: RY103教室 司会 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
Peter McDonald(桜美林大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘A SFL Model for Developing Digital Literacies in the Academic
第2室: RY104教室 司会 鷲嶽正道(愛知学院大学)
Thomas Amundrud(奈良教育大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Classroom SF-MDA: Looking at the meanings of space, gaze, and gesture’
15:25– 16:05 研究発表4
第1室: RY103教室 司会 飯村龍一(玉川大学)
David Dykes(四日市大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Advice by Talk-through and Rethink
Sharing What it is Like to Drown – and What it is Like to Float’
第2室: RY104教室 司会 三宅英文(安田女子大学)
Jack Pun(オックスフォード大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Teaching science through English as a medium of instruction in
Hong Kong: challenges and strategies’
16:05 – 16:20 休憩 RY106教室
16:20 – 17:20 日本機能言語学会創立25周年記念特別講演
RY107教室 [発表言語:日本語]
司会 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
龍城 正明(同志社大学教授)
「理論から記述へThe Kyoto Grammar による日本語否定辞「ない」の分析
17:30 – 18:00 総会 RY107教室 司会 飯村龍一(玉川大学)
19:00-21:00 懇親会 (会費:6,000円)
〒600-8012 京都市下京区四条大橋西詰(電話075-221-1147)
9:30 – 10:00 受付 1階 ルーセント・プラザ
10:00 – 10:40 研究発表1
第1室: RY103教室 司会 佐藤勝之(武庫川女子大学)
第2室: RY104教室 司会 David Dykes(四日市大学)
Ming-chia Lin(National Academy for Educational Research)[発表言語:英語]
‘A linguistic analysis on remedial-based and mixed-ability instruction:
How do teachers provide scaffolding in reading skills for EFL Grade 7
10:45 – 11:25 研究発表2
第1室: RY103教室 司会 佐藤勝之(武庫川女子大学)
「絵の中の結束性:Painter, et al.のシステム拡充」
第2室: RY104教室 司会 David Dykes(四日市大学)
Sonya Chik(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[発表言語:英語]
‘Constructing and shaping social reality across languages and cultures:
a linguistic perspective’
11:25 – 11:40 休憩 RY106教室
11:40-12:40 Featured Talk RY107教室 司会 龍城 正明 (同志社大学)
Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(香港理工大学教授)[発表言語:英語]
12:40 – 13:50 昼食
13:50 – 14:30 研究発表3
第1室: RY103教室 司会 福田一雄(新潟大学名誉教授)
第2室: RY104教室 司会 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
Marvin Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[発表言語:英語]
‘Appliable Discourse Analysis in action: describing clients’ journeys in
14:30 – 14:45 休憩 RY106教室
14:45 – 15:55 特別講演 RY107教室 [発表言語:日本語]
司会 龍城正明(同志社大学)
山梨 正明(京都大学名誉教授、関西外国語大学教授)
「認知言語学の研究プログラム -機能言語学との関連性-」
15:55 – 16:05 閉会の辞 RY107教室 日本機能言語学会副会長 パン・バージニア(立命館大学)
The Program of JASFL 2017
The 25th Anniversary Autumn Conference
Date: October 7th (Saturday) – October 8th (Sunday), 2017
Venue: Ryoshinkan Building, Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus), Kyoto
http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/information/campus/access/imadegawa.html (access)
Oct. 7th (Saturday)
12:00 – 12:40 Registration (1F Lucent Plaza)
12:40 – 12:55 Opening Remarks (Room RY107)
President of JASFL Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
13:00 – 13:40 Paper Session 1
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Noriko Ito (Doshisha University)
Masaki Nishijo(The part-time lecturer at Ritsumeikan University, PhD
candidate at Doshisha University)[To be presented in Japanese]
‘Analysis of professional football coaches’ instructional language using
functional perspective: Toward language instruction for overseas football
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Masamichi Washitake (Aichi Gakuin University)
Kaori Terakawa (Dokkyo University) [To be presented in English]
‘Functional Language Analysis in Teaching Reading’
Room 3: RY107 Chair: David Dykes (Yokkaichi University)
Crystal Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in
‘Comparative Study of natural disasters’ news reports from the National
Geographic US and Japan
websites: a Systemic Functional analysis’
13:45 – 14:25 Paper Session 2
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Noriko Ito (Doshisha University)
Junichi Toyota (Osaka City University) [To be presented in English]
‘Iconicity and transfer of energy in Indo-European languages’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Kazuo Fukuda (Emeritus Professor of Niigata
Ayumi Inako(The part-time lecturer at Kobe City University of Foreign
[To be presented in English]
‘POLITENESS, NEGOTIATION and negotiability: A context dependency
perspective on Japanese
texts with politeness shift and beyond’
Room 3: RY107 Chair: Makoto Sasaki (Aichi Gakuin University)
Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)and
Kazuhiro Teruya(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in
‘Systems of interpersonal assessment: the complementarity of modalization
and evidentiality’
14:25 – 14:40 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
14:40 – 15:20 Paper Session 3
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Peter McDonald(J.F. Oberlin University, Tokyo)[To be presented in English]
‘A SFL Model for Developing Digital Literacies in the Academic Classroom’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Masamichi Washitake (Aichi Gakuin University)
Thomas Amundrud(Nara University of Education)[To be presented in English]
‘Classroom SF-MDA: Looking at the meanings of space, gaze, and gesture’
15:25 – 16:05 Paper Session 4
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Ryuichi Iimura (Tamagawa University)
David Dykes(Yokkaichi University)[To be presented in English]
‘Advice by Talk-through and Rethink
Sharing What it is Like to Drown – and What it is Like to Float’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Hidefumi Miyake (Yasuda Women’s University)
Jack Pun(University of Oxford)[To be presented in English]
‘Teaching science through English as a medium of instruction in Hong Kong:
challenges and strategies’
16:05 – 16:20 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
16:20 – 17:20 JASFL 25th Anniversary Special Lecture
[To be presented in Japanese]
Room: RY107 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Professor Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
‘From Theory to Description
An analysis of Japanese negator nai with
special reference to the definition of Finiteness.
the Kyoto Grammar Approach’
17:30 – 18:00 AGM (Room RY107) Chair: Ryuichi Iimura (Tamagawa
19:00 – 21:00 Conference Dinner (Participation Fee:6,000JPY(all-inclusive))
Kyoto-Shijo Ohashi West End, Kyoto, 600-8012 (Tel 075-221-1147)
※Prior booking essential – please contact Ryuichi Iimura
(secretary@jasfl.jp) by
October 4th (Wed).
Oct. 8th (Sunday)
9:30 – 10:00 Registration (1F Lucent Plaza)
10:00 – 10:40 Paper Session 1
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Katsuyuki Sato (Mukogawa Women’s University)
Masamichi Washitake (Aichi Gakuin University) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Things in Academic Science Textbooks in English’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: David Dykes(Yokkaichi University)
Ming-chia Lin(National Academy for Educational Research)
[To be presented in English]
‘A linguistic analysis on remedial-based and mixed-ability instruction: How
do teachers provide scaffolding in reading skills for EFL Grade 7 students?’
10:45 – 11:25 Paper Session 2
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Katsuyuki Sato (Mukogawa Women’s University)
Chie Hayakawa (Nagoya University of the Arts) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Cohesion in Pictures: Expanding Painter, et al.’s Systems’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: David Dykes(Yokkaichi University)
Sonya Chik(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in
‘Constructing and shaping social reality across languages and cultures:
a linguistic perspective’
11:25 – 11:40 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
11:40-12:40 Featured Talk (Room RY107) [To be presented in English]
Chair: Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
Professor Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(The Hong Kong Polytechnic
12:40 – 13:50 Lunch
13:50 – 14:30 Paper Session 3
Room 1: RY103 Chair: Kazuo Fukuda (Emeritus Professor of Niigata
Hidefumi Miyake (Yasuda Women’s University) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Differences in Contexual Dependency Observed in Theme Park Regulations’
Room 2: RY104 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Marvin Lam(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
[To be presented in English]
‘Appliable Discourse Analysis in action: describing clients’ journeys in
14:30 – 14:45 Coffee Break (Room RY106)
14:45 – 15:55 Special Lecture [To be presented in Japanese]
Room: RY107 Chair: Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
Professor Masa-aki Yamanashi
(Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University, Kansai Gaidai University)
‘Research Program of Cognitive Linguistics
– In Relation to Functional Linguistics-’
15:55 – 16:05 Closing Remarks (Room RY107)
Vice President of JASFL Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Nomination of Regular Board Members (2017)
The list of nominees will be occationally updated at the following:
会場:同志社大学 今出川キャンパス

龍城正明教授(同志社大学) 主催校委員:伊藤紀子(nito@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)
1. 応募資格:日本機能言語学会 (JASFL) 会員および日本語用論学会 (The Pragmatics Society of Japan、以下PSJ) 会員に限る(まだ会員でない方が投稿を希望する場合は投稿前に会員登録手続を終了しておくこと)。なお、学会発表については学会ホームページ (http://www.jasfl.jp/ ) の「学会発表にかかわるガイドライン」を必ずご一読ください。
2. 応募締め切り:2017年8月31日(木)
3. 発表時間:40分(10分の質疑応答を含む)
4. 発表言語:日本語または英語(発表に使用する言語を必ず明記すること)
5. 研究発表希望者は次の要領にて梗概を事務局宛にお送りください。
(1) 字数:800字~1000字 (英語の場合は800語以内)
(2) 梗概には下記の情報を必ず記載すること。
(a) 氏名
(b) 所属
(c) 研究発表題目(日本語の題目の場合は、英語の題目も記載すること)
(d) 発表で使用する言語(日本語または英語)
(e) 参考文献
(f) 電子メールアドレス
(g) 梗概を日本語で書く場合には必ず英語の梗概をつけること(400語以内)
(3)梗概はMS-Word, PDF,書式付テキスト(RTF)のいずれかで保存し、電子メー
ールの題名には必ず「JASFL 2017梗概」と記載すること。また大会終了後にプロ
(http://www.jasfl.jp/ ) にてお知らせいたします。
Dear JASFL members,
I would like to announce that JASFL 2017 will be held as follows:
JASFL 2017 Autumn Conference
Date: October 7 (Sat) and 8 (Sun) 2017
Venue: Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus)
Guest Speakers:
Professor Masaaki Yamanashi (Kansai Gaidai University)
Professor Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
Convener: Noriko Ito (nito@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)
*Call for Papers for the JASFL 2017
Abstracts are invited for presentations at the Annual Conference of the Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Presentations may be on any aspect of functional linguistics, including trans-disciplinary studies, and may focus on such fields as multimodal, educational, critical discourse studies, media studies, etc.
1. Qualification: JASFL or The Pragmatics Society of Japan (PSJ) members are exclusively eligible to apply for the presentation. Non-JASFL/PSJ members who plan to submit papers are requested to register their memberships before submission. Those who plan to apply for the presentation are requested to consent to the guideline for JASFL presentation available at the following URL: http://www.jasfl.jp/
2. Deadline for submission: August 31st (Thu.), 2017
3. Time of Presentations: 40 minutes including 10 minutes for question time.
4. Languages: Japanese or English (Please signify the language you will
use in presentation.)
5. Those who will apply a paper presentation should follow the guideline of the abstract as below:
(1) Words limit: 800 – 1000 characters (Japanese), up to 800 words (English)
(2) An abstract must include the information as follows:
(a) Name
(b) Affiliation
(c) Presentation Title
(d) Language to use in presentation
(e) References
(f) Email address
(3) An abstract must be sent as one of the following format: MS-Word,
PDF or Rich Text Format (RTF). The abstract must be sent to JASFL
Secretary (secretary@jasfl.jp) as an attachment file.
Please clearly state “JASFL2017 ABSTRACT” in the subject line of your
email message. The proceedings will be published after the conference.
* For the details and updates of the conference, as well as the latest
information of call for papers, click to the JASFL website: http://www.jasfl.jp/
Sincerely yours,
Ryuichi Iimura
(JASFL Secretary)
会場:愛知学院大学 名城公園キャンパス http://www.agu.ac.jp/access/meijo/
アガルスタワー 4F 2405教室 http://www.agu.ac.jp/guide/campus/
13:30 – 14:00 受付
14:00 – 14:10 開会の辞 日本機能言語学会会長 龍城正明(同志社大学)
14:10 – 15:10 ワークショップ
David Dykes(四日市大学)[発表言語:英語]
‘Snow Clearing Roles and Rules – Alternations and Adjustments
of Speech Functions for a Cooperative Community Appeal’
懇親会 雪月花 栄店 会費5,000円*
Dear JASFL Members,
We would like to announce that 2017 JASFL Spring Workshop is held on the 22nd
of April at Aichi Gakuin Unviersity.
JASFL 2017 Spring Workshop
Date: April 22, Saturday, 2017 14:00 – 15:10
Venue: Aichi Gakuin University, Meijo Koen Campus
AGALS Tower Room2405
13:30 – 14:00 Registration
14:00 – 14:10 Opening Remarks President of JASFL Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
14:10 – 15:10 Workshop
David Dykes (Yokkaichi University) [To be presented in English]
‘Snow Clearing Roles and Rules – Alternations and Adjustments of
Speech Functions for a Cooperative Community Appeal’
Conference Dinner: Setsugetsuka Sakae-ten (Fee: 5,000yen)*
*Those who will join the conference dinner are requested to have a contact with
Masamichi WASHITAKE (washitak@dpc.agu.ac.jp) for application by April 19th (Wed).
Best regards,
Ryuichi Iimura
(Secretary of JASFL)
2017年度JASFL 春のワークショップ企画募集
つきましては、ワークショップの企画 (1000字程度) を募集いたしたく存じます。
問い合わせ先:事務局 飯村龍一 (secretary@jasfl.jp)
JASFL 2017 Call for Spring Workshop Presentations
This is an announcement of 2017 JASFL Spring Workshop. The workshop will be
held as follows:
Date: April 22, Saturday, 2016 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Aichi Gakuin University
Contents: Workshop
We would like to call for proposals for the spring workshop. Those who
plan to organize a workshop session (60 minutes) are requested
to submit their proposals (800 words) by April 5th (Wed), 2017 to Secretary
(secretary@jasfl.jp). The workshop is to be held either in English or
Japanese.The amount of time for each session is 60 minutes including a
question and answer session.
For further information, contact Ryuichi Iimura (secretary@jasfl.jp).
Ryuichi Iimura (Secretary)