Successfully finished. Thank you all the participants for this success.

日本機能言語学会 春期例会 新潟大学(五十嵐キャンパス)2003 年 6月14 日(土)2:00-5:00 PM

JASFL2003 Spring Workshop, Niigata Uiversity (Igarashi Campus), 14 June 2003 (Sat.) 2:00-5:00 PM

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   JASFL2003 Spring Workshop (locally organised by Kazuo Fukuda) will be held at Niigata University. The program is ready.


テーマ: 言語とコンテクスト

日時: 2003年6月14日(土)2:00 - 5:00 PM

場所: 新潟大学(五十嵐キャンパス)
   総合教育研究棟 G313(第2LL教室)




          Tel & Fax: 025-262-6417


Date & Time:  14 June 2003 (Sat.) 2:00-5:00PM
Venu:  Sougou Kyouiku Kenkyuutou (General Education Research Building) G313 (2nd LL Room), Niigata University Igarashi Campus

Transportation: Please take a bus for 'Niigata University' or 'Niigata Univ. and Uchino' at the Niigata Transport Bus Terminal which is located leftward in front of the Bandai-guchi Exit of JR Niigata Station, and get off at the stop Shindai-Nishimon (West Gate of Niigata Univ). It takes about 45 minutes. Be careful not to take a bus only for 'Uchino', which does not go to Univ. JR Echigo Line has a station named Shindai-mae Eki or 'In front of Niigata Univ.', but it takes more than 20 minutes to walk from the station to Univ. So buses are strongly recommended for your easy arrival. The map of Nishi-Kobari Bus Line of Niigata Transport and the timetable (for Saturdays and Hollidays) are available at the URL :

Lunch: As the 14th falls on Saturday, all the cafeterias of Niigata University are closed. Although there are several small restaurants near University, we recommend that you should take lunch around JR Niigata Station.

Hotels: Several hotels are available in the locality of JR Niigata Station. Book accommodation on your own, if you want to stay overnight.

Contact: Kazuo Fukuda (Local Organiser)
    Tel & Fax: 025-262-6417

SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM(講演発表・招待講演発表は日本語で行われます)English Program, Return

テーマ:  言語とコンテクスト

会長挨拶 筧 壽雄(神戸大学(名誉教授))

2:10 - 4:55  シンポジウム
司会:山口 登 (東北大学)


2:20 - 2:50
Dimensions of Context and Generations of Conversational Meaning(要旨)

2:50 - 3:05

3:05 - 3:35
堀 素子(関西外国語大学)

3:35 - 3:50  

(休憩 3:50 - 4:10)

4:10 - 4-40


4:40 - 4:55

4:55 - 5:00
副会長 閉会の辞
  Wendy Bowcher (東京学芸大学)

5: 30 - 7:30

SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM(Presentations will be given in Japanese.)Japanese Program/ Return


Opening Address 
Hisao Kakehi (President of JASFL, Professor Emeritus Kobe University)

2:10 - 4:55 Symposium
Chair Noboru Yamaguchi (Tohoku University) 


2:20 - 2:50
Dimensions of Context and Generations of Conversational Meaning (Abstract)
Kazuo Fukuda (Niitaga University)

2:50 - 3:05

3:05 - 3:35
Between Politeness and Honorifics: Japanese Honorifics in the Politeness Theory by Brown and Levinson (Abstract)
Motoko Hori (Kansai Gaidai University)

3:35 - 3:50  

(Coffee Break 3:50 - 4:10)

4:10 - 4-40
【Invited Presentation】

The Acceptability of Sentences in Contexts: With Special Reference to the -te morau Construction (Abstract)
Ken-ich Takami (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

4:40 - 4:55

4:55 - 5:00
Closing Address
Wendy Bowcher (Tokyo Gakugei University)

5: 30 - 7:30
Conference Dinner at A Hall in Daiichi Shokudo(Fee: 3,000 yen)

JASFL2003 Spring, Niigata University, 14 June.

Kazuo Fukuda (Niigata University) 福田一雄(新潟大学)

Dimensions of Context and Generations of Conversational Meaning:A re-consideration of so-called indirect speech acts (Abstract)

 Indirect speech acts are defined in J. R. Searle (1975:60) as "cases in which one illocutionary act is performed indirectly by way of performing another." The problem is whether the illocutions in question are exclusively based upon the uttererユs intention, or if they are produced by a combination of contextual dimensions, the meaning of the utterance, and the interpreterユs interpretation of the conversational meaning, which could be essentially beyond the uttererユs intention.
 It is proposed that we should allow for variation within communicative acts, starting from the cline of strictly intention-bound acts on one end, to very loosely intention-bound on the other. These variants should be unified and placed within the same category of human communication. However, a completely non-intended conveyance of meanings should not be regarded as a communicative act, but rather as a mere expressive release of meaning.
 Several classic examples of indirect speech acts such as 'request' and 'rejection' are examined. Key concepts for our analysis are 'tact', 'perlocution', and 'generations of conversational meaning through interactions of the utterer and the interpreter.'
 Through the discussion, a pragmatic view of communicative contexts, as shown in Jef Verschueren (1999), is highlighted and then compared with other contextual viewpoints, such as those proposed in Halliday & Hasan (1985), Ungerer & Schmid (1996), and Sperber & Wilson (1986).


 J. R. Searle (1975:60)の定義によれば、間接発話行為とは、「一つの発語内行為が、もうひとつ別の発語内行為の遂行を通して、間接的に遂行されるような発話行為」である。問題は、当該の発語内行為がもっぱら発話者の意図に基づくものであるのか、それとも、そのような発語内行為は、様々な次元のコンテクストや、発話の文意や、発話者の意図を超え得るような解釈者の会話的意味の解釈といったものの結合によって生み出されるものであるのかどうかということである。
 議論の中で、特にJef Verschueren(1999)で示された「語用論的なコミュニカティヴ・コンテクスト」の概念を取り上げ、Halliday & Hasan (1985)、Ungerer & Schmid (1996)、Sperber & Wilson (1986)などにおけるコンテクストの取り扱いとの比較を行う。

JASFL2003 Spring, Niigata University, 14 June.

Motoko Hori (Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka) 堀 素子(関西外国語大学)

Between Politeness and Honorifics: Japanese Honorifics in the Politeness Theory by Brown and Levinson (Abstract)

 The purpose of the present paper is to see if Japanese honorifics can be discussed within the theory of politeness proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987). In the past, a few papers were published by those whose orientations are either in Asian or African cultures, including Japanese. They presented rather strong critical comments saying it did not explain some of the features of their languages. Their discussions were true to the extent of their focused points but seem to be short in observing their languages in a universalistic viewpoint like Brown and Levinsonユs theory.
 The present paper makes a short survey of B&Lユs theory and tries to observe Japanese honorifics in that theory and make the following points clear: (1) what importance the concept of FTA has in Japanese; (2) how honorifics can be incorporated into B&Lユs politeness strategies; and (3) what condition is needed when the Japanese language is to be discussed in the universal theory of politeness.
 This is not at all a decisive or definite conclusion concerning the relation between the Western concept of politeness and Japanese honorifics. Comments and suggestions are welcomed and enthusiastic discussions are expected.



JASFL2003 Spring, Niigata University, 14 June.

Ken-ichi Takami (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 高見健一(東京都立大学)

The Acceptability of Sentences in Contexts: With Special Reference to the -te morau Construction (Abstract)

 In this presentation I will observe some linguistic phenomena in Japanese and English, and make it clear that context plays a crucial role for the determination of the acceptability of sentences. I will argue that (i) linguistic analyses focusing only on simplex sentences are difficult to maintain, and (ii) it is necessary to pay due attention to context in order to consider the acceptability of sentences.
 In this presentation I will examine in detail the Japanese -te morau construction and consider under what conditions this construction becomes acceptable. First, I will observe the claim that the acceptability of the construction is solely dependent on the distinction between unergative and unaccusative verbs. Then, I will show that this argument is untenable, encountering many serious counterexamples. I will further make it clear that the acceptability of the construction is affected by (i) the context preceding and following the -te morau, (ii) whether the -ni-marked nominal is human or not, and (iii) whether the described event is intentionally produced by the referent of the -ni-marked nominal.
 I will further touch upon adversity passive sentences in Japanese and the Heavy NP Shift and Extraposition from NP in English, and examine how context affects the acceptability of these constructions.


 本発表では、日本語と英語のいくつかの現象を観察することによって、文脈(context)が、文の適格性にいかに大きな影響を与えているかを明らかにする。そして、(i) 単文レベルのみを考察対象として、文の適格性を説明しようとする生成文法のような分析が不十分であること、そして、(ii) 文の適格性を考察するには、文脈に十分な配慮を払いながら、文の適格性条件を探らなければならないことを主張する。
 本発表では特に、日本語の「~てもらう」表現を取り上げ、この表現がどのような条件のもとで適格となるかを考察する。まずその導入として、この表現の適格性が非能格動詞/非対格動詞の区別に依存するという主張を概観し、この主張には多くの反例があることを明らかにする。そして、この表現の適格性は、(i) 「~てもらう」の前後の文脈が利益を表わすか否か、(ii) 「ニ」格名詞句が人間であるか否か、(iii) 記述されている出来事が「ニ」格名詞句指示物の意図的行為であるか否かに大きく依存していることを示す。